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PIERCE ’73 class hosts unique fundraiser at the Acropolis Museum raises more than €5,500

Congratulations to the PIERCE 1973 class for organizing an original and inspirational fundraiser at the Acropolis Museum on December 4 with the proceeds going to the PIERCE Scholarship Fund.

The PIERCE Class of 1973 was the first to celebrate their reunion by giving back and raising funds to support future students at their Alma Mater. Their generosity will be their legacy, as will their call to action: The PIERCE Class of 1973 not only put together the first Class Gift in the College's history, but also called on all PIERCE classes to join the cause of raising funds for scholarships, and in doing so, inspired current students and alumni alike with their spirit of service.

Ivy Nanopoulou (PIERCE '73) initiated the idea of commemorating the 40-year class celebration with something even greater than a Class Gift – which her fellow alumnae embraced – as many of them benefited first hand from the education and Financial Aid PIERCE provided. The class hopes their example will be the beginning of a tradition of generational giving that will take place annually, as other classes join them in their annual drive.

Alumni from other classes did heed their call and joined the 1973 class in their debut scholarship fundraiser at the Acropolis Museum, and in the end, donations reached close to €5,500 – while donations were still open and will be tallied by January 31. All donations will be added to the PIERCE scholarship fund.

The afternoon provided a wonderful opportunity for alumni to give back, and also to meet students who will benefit from their generosity. 

Alumni were greeted at the Acropolis Museum by PIERCE students and were then welcomed by PIERCE 1973 representatives Fany Dimou and Ivy Nanopoulou, as well as ACG President David G. Horner.  Many also took a tour of the Archaic Exhibition display at the state-of-the art museum, hosted by Acropolis Museum Trustee Kathy Parthimou-Paraschi (PIERCE ’73), and other archaeologists at the museum, before the fundraiser coffee at the museum's cafeteria.

"We should always remember that our class made a wonderful start in accordance with the school's motto 'Non ministrari sed ministrare' ('Not  to be served, but to serve'), and we hope that other classes will follow" said alumna Aspasia Michalakis (PIERCE ’73).

"I was impressed by each and every one giving in her own way; the small details that were ministered harmoniously, our cooperation, and our code of communication still going strong after 40 years. I feel that in the end, the team spirit that the school instilled in us is still alive inside of us" said fellow alumna Stella Synouri – Vrettakou (PIERCE ’73).

Through this initiative, put together entirely by the organizing committee of the PIERCE Class of 1973, the class hopes to "raise funds to support PIERCE scholarships, build awareness, tradition and gratitude among alumni, parents & students, increase the number of scholarship awards given to talented and deserving students, lift the spirit and create a sense of pride, and, last but not least, create a legacy for all classes to follow."

"You succeeded in your goals! But, most of all you succeeded in inspiring young students with your optimism" Mary-Irene Triantafillou, ACG's Executive Director of Development, told the PIERCE 1973 class.

The more than sixty alumni were joined at the event by ACG President Dr. David G. Horner, Dr. S. Sue Horner, George E. Triantaris, Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations, Mary-Irene Triantafillou (DEREE ’89), Executive Director of Development, Olga E. Julius, PIERCE Principal, Manos Varouhas (DEREE ’91), Executive Director of Alumni and Parent Relations, Eleni Dimou, Dean of Lyceum, Maximos Vassiliou, Deputy Director of Gymnasium, Christina Chantzou (DEREE ’01), Executive Coordinator of Development and Alumni Relations, Lucas Paleocrassas, a DEREE student and Student Assistant, five PIERCE ambassadors and supervisor Theodosis Dracopoulos, and Nikolas Papoulias, PIERCE student, who also delivered a warm speech thanking the exemplary PIERCE Class of 1973.

Congratulations to the PIERCE 1973 Class Scholarship Fundraising Organising Committee: Fanny Dimou, Nora Cambas, Maria Karamanof, Niovi Lygkiari, Aspasia Michalakis, Ivy Nanopoulou,Tina Papadopoulou, Nasia Papamanoli, Kathy Parthimou-Paraschi,and Stella Synouri, and to all alumni involved for their inspirational generosity.

ACG is grateful for the generosity of the PIERCE Class of 1973 and all alumni involved in the scholarship fundraising drive.

For more information about scholarships offered by PIERCE College, please visit:  or contact the Financial Assistance and Planning Office Tel.: +30 210 6009800 ext. 1327 |

To learn about ways to create your own scholarship fund at ACG or to contribute to existing funds please contact the Office of Development & Alumni Relations:

US: George E. Triantaris, Vice President – t. + 1.617.459.2829,

GR: Mary-Irene Triantafillou, Executive Director, ACG Office of Development- t. 210.600.9800, ext.: 1239,

January 2014

