Quick info
Complement your studies with a minor in Sociology. Learn to apply the sociological perspective in everyday life and further your understanding of current social issues in today’s diverse, globalized and rapidly changing social world.
A Minor in Sociology provides excellent preparation for graduate studies in many fields whether in social sciences, humanities, or business. Your “sociological imagination”, your critical, analytical and research skills will be valuable in almost any career path.
What You Will Study
Sociology courses provide the conceptual tools and methods for understanding human life and human interactions from a distinctively social perspective.
Learn about a wide range of topics and issues: From the relationships between individuals, groups and social structures, to social inequalities and social problems; from institutions and organizations to complex social phenomena and processes underpinning social change at the local and global level. Understand how and why societies of all types are organized, change over time and have a catalytic impact on our lives.
The Sociology Minor can be combined with any field of study, especially with psychology, media and communications, business, marketing, human resources, international relations, law, philosophy, history, environmental studies.

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