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#ACGGoesPlasticFree 2.0!

Every year, at ACG we discard thousands and thousands of single-use plastic bottles and cups. Over 84,000 plastic bottles and 120,000 plastic cups to be exact (2018).

Based on our commitment to enhance our sustainability efforts as a community and in order to establish a sustainability culture on campus, the Office of Public Affairs and the Center of Excellence for Sustainability launched the #ACGgoesplasticfree campaign in the previous academic year (2018 – 2019).

Joining our forces to the global movement, we aim at raising awareness on the harmful consequences of single-use plastic pollution and guide you in making a successful shift towards eliminating single-use plastics from our campus.

Renewing our commitment to raising awareness about the harmful consequences of single-use plastics and to reducing them both on campus and beyond, we are expanding our #ACGGoesPlasticFree Campaign to the 2019 – 2020 academic year

Join the movement and let’s beat plastic pollution on and off campus!

What can I do to reduce my plastic footprint?

Carry your own reusable water bottle and fill it up at the high-tech water fountains on campus

Bring a reusable coffee cup when ordering coffee and/or other beverages at any of the on campus vendors

Refuse the plastic straw

Bring your own food container/lunch box when ordering at our vendors on campus

Carry a reusable tote bag with your and skip the disposable ones when shopping

Become a Sustainability Leader to spread the message to your peers through our #ACGGoesPlasticFree campaign events and activities!

Video Gallery

00:00 / 00:00
REFUSE IT, REUSE IT! | #ACGGoesPlasticFree | The water bottle
REFUSE IT, REUSE IT! | #ACGGoesPlasticFree | The water bottle
Sustainable ACG
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00:00 / 00:00
REDUCE IT, REUSE IT! | #ACGGoesPlasticFree | Coffee Cups & Straws
REDUCE IT, REUSE IT! | #ACGGoesPlasticFree | Coffee Cups & Straws
Sustainable ACG
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Photo Gallery

#ACGGoesPlasticFree Campaign!