Addressing one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time and in the context of the #ACGGoesPlasticFree Campaign, The American College of Greece, through the Office of Public Affairs, in collaboration with the A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation organized an insightful event on single-use plastic pollution trends and best practices, locally and globally.
Adhering to ACG’s commitment to reduce and gradually eliminate single-use plastic items on campus, this was the first ‘certified’ single-use plastic free event, supported by the A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation.
In his keynote speech, Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister of Environment & Energy, shared Greece’s national plan for the elimination of single-use plastic items and a plastic-free future to a packed audience.
Panelists in the first discussion delved into the destruction plastic pollution causes to our planet and, in particular, ocean life, while the second panel focused on finding solutions to this problem and how we can reverse our ‘addiction’ to this previously considered ‘miracle material’. Professor Maria Vitoraki, Deree Environmental Studies Program, represented ACG by giving a presentation on the College’s efforts to eliminate single-use plastics, overall sustainability best practices, and suggestions for a future without plastic.
Among the audience were the President of the Greek National Tourism Organization, Angela Gerekou, MP of Magnesia, Konstantinos Maravegias, representatives of NGOs, academia, and the business sector.
The Deree Environmental Studies Program and the ACG Sustainability Leaders contributed to the overall success of this event.