An open lecture by:
Mr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides
Spokesperson in the European Parliament Liaison Office
When:Monday, 20 May, 18:00-20:00
Where: Center for the Arts Auditorium
Organized by: The Graduate Master Class Series, School of Graduate and Professional Education
To reserve your place please contact Ms Maria Kritikou via email: [email protected] or telephone: 210 6009800 ext. 1210
Lecture Description
A presentation of European Union communication campaigns in the context of the 2019 European Elections.
Constantinos Tsoutsoplides
Spokesperson in the European Parliament Liaison Office from July 1st 2011.
He was an official of the Council of Ministers of the European Union:
- in Ecofin during the creation of the euro (1994-1998),
- in the negotiations for the Enlargement (1998-2003),
- in the Office of the Secretary-General for the Financial Perspectives (2003-2004), and
- in the Foreign Affairs Council on Middle East and North Africa (2011).
In Greece he worked as:
- Secretary-General for Community Funds in the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (2006-2009), and
- CEO of the Hellenic Sugar Industry (2004-2006).
He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Reading, UK.