The Body and its Experience in the Psychoanalytic Approach

Α post-educational psychodynamic seminar

When: January 23-May 29, 2017, Mondays from 20:00 to 22:00.

Where: Ipitou 17b, Plaka, Athens

Organized by: The Institute of Mental Health for Children and Adults (IN.PSY.) in collaboration with the Deree School of Graduate & Professional Education – under the auspices of the Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health (E.K.PS.E.)

More information: Mr. Dimitris Kaplanis, tel.: 210 600 9800 ext. 1332 | Deree School of Graduate and Professional Education

To register, please fill in the application form and email to by January 19,2017, with the indication “INPSY & Deree Seminar 2017” in the email subject line.


Lecture Titles

  1. Formation and shaping of body image and its role in psyche’s formation. (23.1.2017) – M. Matsouka
  2. Body image in transitional life periods: adolescence – middle age. (30.1.2017) – Ch. Zervis/E. Papageorgiou
  3. The somatic Ego (Freud), The psyche indwelling in body (Winnicott), The Ego-skin (Anzieu). (13.2.2017) – M. Petrou
  4. Body image and the role of the body in eating disorders. (20.2.2017) – E. Soumaki
  5. Body related issues in narcissistic and borderline structures. (6.3.2017) – G. Chatzistavrakis
  6. Representation and the role of the body in psychotic functioning. (13.3.2017) – C. Papaconstantinou
  7. The ailing body: Somatic pain, chronic conditions. (20.3.2017) – I. Panagiotopoulou
  8. Body modifications: aesthetic and surgical, tattooing, piercing. (3.4.2017) – C. Zervos
  9. The body within the psychotherapeutic context: Issues of transference and countertransference. (24.4.2017) – I. Vartzopoulos
  10. Body and child psychotherapy: Expression, communication, symbolism. (8.5.2017) – A. Fyrigou/M. Siokou
  11. The somatic component as a pre-psychic expression? Attacks/ connections through the body, or “action” within psychoanalytic therapy? (15.5.2017) – F. Bobos
  12. The body in the group and the group as a body. The body in the psychodrama stage. (22.5.2017) – K. Navrides/N. Takis
  13. The fantasized body- the therapist’s body during the experience of online therapy (Skype). (29.5.2017) – D. Anastasopoulos

Note: The lectures will be delivered in Greek

To see the schedule in Greek, please click here


Ever since Freud’s times and up until today, psychoanalysis reflects upon and studies the emergence of the psychic component jointly with the interaction of the body element and external reality. The drive as a central psychoanalytic component lies in the fringe of psyche and body structure. Body is the soil in which desire and horror sprouts, the arena in which the primary forms of the object are conceived. Through the perpetual interaction of body and psyche, the body engulfs psychic constructions, becomes the means of emotional discharge, is overinvested, devalued, abused, ails. Many psychological disorders are psychic expressions closely linked to the body dimension.

This seminar will examine the interaction of body and psyche of different nosological entities through the lens of the psychoanalytic theory. It will explore how this interaction is expressed through the therapeutic relation, while techniques, using clinical material, will be discussed. The structure of the seminar offers the trainee the opportunity to get acquainted with introductory concepts and gradually gain insight to more specific topics. In the same time one can also actively participate by presenting own material.

The lecturers of the Seminar are highly experienced psychoanalysts, well acknowledged and highly respected both by the scientific community and in their practice. They represent a wide range of clinical settings in academic, private and public institutions.

Interested parties should fill in and send the application form by Thursday, January 19, 2017 to the electronic address, mentioning in the Subject area “INPSY & Deree Seminar 2017”. If further information is needed you may contact the Deree – School of Graduate & Professional Education, Mr. Dimitris Kaplanis, tel. 210 600 9800 ext. 1332.

NOTE: Selection of participants for the seminar will be based on clinical and psychotherapeutic experience, amongst other criteria. The number of participants is limited, therefore priority, based on date of application, will also be considered.

To whom is the Seminar addressed?

The seminar is addressed to mental health professionals (psychiatrists, child-psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, art therapists, occupational therapists, mental health nurses, etc.) seeking an informed and grounded experience and training on the seminar’s topic.

Learning Outcomes

Upon seminar completion, participants will be able to appreciate the importance and role of the body in psychopathological conditions and enrich their clinical repertoire with some of the psychotherapeutic interventions that will be presented.

Why should one attend the Seminar?

This Seminar offers both an introduction and further insight on concepts related to body and psyche interaction. It covers a considerable part of mental disorders, while the use of clinical material presentation offers opportunities for deepened understanding.

Duration (number of hours)

13 seminars, each 2 hours long, will be offered at The American College of Greece building in Plaka (17 Ipitou Str., Plaka, Athens).

Dates & Time

Lectures will take place from January 23 until May 29 2017, Mondays from 20:00 to 22:00.

Participation Fee

Participation fee for the Seminar is set to €250 for the general public.

Special prices

Participation fee for Deree students or alumni and for INPSY personnel is set to €180.

Lecturers’ Names (in alphabetical order)

Anastasopoulos Demetrios, Bobos Fotis, Chatzistavrakis Georgios, Fyrigou Antonia, Matsouka Mata, Navrides Klimis, Panagiotopoulou Ioanna, Papageorgiou Eleana, Papaconstantinou Constantinos, Petrou Michalis, Siokou Melpomeni, Soumaki Eugenia, Takis Nikolaos, Vartzopoulos Ioannis, Zervis Christos, Zervos Constantinos.

Seminar’s Scientific Director:

Demetrios Anastasopoulos

Seminar coordinators:

Constantinos Papaconstantinou (INPSY), Nikolaos Takis (Deree), Evangelia Argyriou (INPSY)