Geopolitical Developments, the West and the Islamic Challenge

An 8-hour seminar with Andreas Andrianopoulos

When: October 10 – October 31, (10/10, 17/10, 24/10, 31/10), at 18:00 – 20:00

Where: The American College of Greece, Institute of Diplomacy and Global Affairs building, 17b Ipitou Str., Plaka, Athens

Language of Instruction: English

Audience: By registration only 


The Institute of Diplomacy and Global Affairs (IDGA) at The American College of Greece announces the commencement of an 8-hour seminar delivered by IDGA Director Andreas Andrianopoulos.

The predominance of the Western liberal democratic paradigm has been overshadowed by global economic and geopolitical developments. The world economic crisis has shattered not only the free market predominance, but also the institutional framework on which most Western democracies have been built and function. Protectionism, distrust of globalization, and xenophobia have emerged to dominate former liberal Western societies.

The election of Donald Trump in the USA, the strengthening of populist left or right-wing parties in Europe, and the clear political split between urban centers and countryside in most Western societies mark a new political reality in Europe and the USA. Nativism is emerging as a new political force, while ethnic and other social minorities are facing a serious backlash in exercising hitherto established rights. Political correctness is losing its overwhelming prevalence in the societies of the Western world. The course will explore these significant new trends and will try to identify causes and effects for future developments.

Furthermore, the emergence of radical Islam and the dimensions of Jihadism will feature in the course, along with the strains that immigration from Muslim countries impose on Western societies. What is the new reality Europe is facing?

What is the role of Russia and the USA in the new world order whose features are carved by radical Islam and religious terrorism? What are the Sunny and Shia sects of Islam, how do they rival each other? To what extent do they threaten the future prospects of this religion, as well as the possibility for peace in world affairs?

Seminar Fees

Regular single participant fee: €100

A 20% (€80) discount is available for members of the ACG community. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the School of Graduate and Professional Education at Deree.

Payment Methods

Payment can be made in cash at the Student Success Center at Deree – The American College of Greece, 6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi, as well as by credit card or bank deposit.

  • National Bank: 180/480000-14
  • Alpha Bank: 436.00.2320000189

For bank deposits you will need a depositor’s code number, which we can provide you with as soon as we receive your registration form. After you complete the bank transaction, please make a dark photocopy of the bank slip, write your name clearly on a blank space, and fax it to +30 210 608 1710.

To pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), please tick the respective box on the application form and we will send you the appropriate form.

Andreas Andrianopoulos

Born in 1946 in Piraeus Greece, in a family of politicians and founders of one of the major football teams of the country, Olympiacos FC.

He was educated at Athens College, and pursued his higher education in the Schools of Political Science at the University of Athens, and in the UK at the universities of Kent, Cambridge, and Oxford. He also studied Economics and Issues of Peace Research at the University of Oslo, and holds a Diploma of Leadership from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

He has lectured at various institutions in the USA and England (Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Wisconsin at Madison, George Washington, LSE), and was a visiting scholar at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge. In 1998-99 he was Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC. He holds two honorary PhD degrees, and in November 2003 was appointed Professor of Public Policy in the “Eleftherios Venizelos” Chair at Deree – The American College of Greece.

He has been elected as a member of the Greek Parliament nine times, and has served as Minister of Culture, and Minister of Trade, Industry, Energy, Technology and Mass Communications.

Andreas Andrianopoulos has also been elected Mayor of the City of Piraeus. He has contributed articles to numerous Greek and international journals and newspapers, and has written books on Islam, economic and political liberalization, and energy security. After resigning from Parliament, he held his own TV talk show, and worked professionally as a newspaper commentator and as a consultant on issues of Caspian energy and political risk analysis for countries of the former Soviet Union and South Asia. He recently led a team of international consultants in advising the government of the Russian Federation, under the auspices of the EU, on free competition and the advocacy of liberal market reforms. He also returned to the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, as a South East European Project Scholar working on the topic of Russian energy diplomacy.

He is now the Director of the Institute of Diplomacy and Global Affairs at Deree – The American College of Greece. He also teaches a course on Effective Communication Campaigns and Risk Analysis at the University of Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation.

He is the author of two historical novels on Medieval and Renaissance Europe.

To register, and for additional information, please contact Dimitrios Kaplanis at 210 600 9800/9 ext. 1332, or at