Mary Canellopoulou


BA, Deree-The American College of Greece; PhD, Brunel University

Mary Canellopoulou (Pierce’ 85, Deree’ 90) has been a member of the Department of Psychology since 1998. She has taught a wide range of topics across the psychology curriculum including History and Perspectives in Psychology, Learning and Memory and Health Psychology. She also offers STEM courses at the International Honors Program in the areas of human consciousness and the eating disorders. Her field of expertise is clinical & cognitive neuropsychology. She has received clinical training in neuropsychological screening at the Centre of Health, Sickness and Disablement, Middlesex, UK (1994-5) and at St. Thomas Hospital, London (1995). Since 1997, she has been involved in research on memory pathology in organic brain syndromes in collaboration with Athens Euroclinic, department of neurology. Her research findings have been presented in various Hellenic, European and international congresses as well as in a range of journals such as “Neuropsychologia” and “Annals of Psychiatry”.

Dr. Canellopoulou is a qualified CBT and Gestalt psychotherapist. In addition, she has clinical training in hospice care & health psychological services for chronic patients (Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens) and in CBT family-based psychoeducation (University Mental Health Research Institute, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens). She is a certified BPS Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders. Her current research interests focus on the study of executive functions in Korsakoff syndrome and hepatic encephalopathy as well as on family dynamics in anorexia nervosa.