
June, 2017

201709Jun(Jun 9)18:0011(Jun 11)18:002nd ACG Tennis Tournament18:00 - 18:00 (11)

Event Details

When: Friday, June 9 – Sunday, June 11, 18:00

Where: Deree Tennis Courts

Organized by: Deree Office of Athletics

The tournament is open to all ACG faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as Deree students. There is a €15 participation fee, with all proceeds going to the Pierce Tennis Scholarship Program.

The champion will be awarded a tennis racket, and all participants can take part in a lottery for the chance to win various gifts!

To register please download the form and sent it to

For more information, please contact Dr. Simos Siomopoulos at

Registration Deadline: Friday, May 26