S.E.R.F. – Student Emergency Response Force

Student Emergency Response Force, better known as S.E.R.F., is Deree’s emergency response team. Organized in 1998, team members are trained to assist in emergency situations on campus (earthquakes, medical emergencies, and evacuations) and escort students from campus to transportation means. Team members are trained in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and first aid, self-defense, climbing/rappel, the use of scuba equipment, orienteering, wilderness survival, fire fighting, using two-way radios, self defense, and other areas. The spirit of the team is one of unity, service, and volunteerism.

To become a Student Emergency Response Force member, you must be in good academic standing and want to serve your community, to make it a safer place to be!

Click here to download your application; once completed, please return to Chris Koutras, Director of Recreational Sports (Gym, Main Floor)

Email: dc.serforg@acg.edu
Advisor: Christos Koutras, Director of Recreation and Intramural Programs, Office of Athletics
Upcoming activities: TBA