Current Collaborations

The MTSCM team works with a large pool of collaborators on several activities, such as joint projects and publications, scientific visits, infrastructure sharing, workshops, training, etc. Our collaborating partners include national and international academic institutions, organizations and industry.

Academic Institutions

  • University of Antwerp (Belgium), Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Transport and Regional Economics: Collaboration on research programs in shipping, logistics, and transportation.
  • Technical University of Delft (The Netherlands), Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering, Department of Maritime Technology, Ship Design, Production, and Operation: Collaboration on research programs in shipping, logistics, and transportation.
  • University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway), Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences: Collaboration on maritime industry operations aimed at minimizing environmental impact.
  • South-East Technological University (Ireland), Walton Institute for Information and Communications Systems: Collaboration on research programs for establishing resilient supply chains.
  • University of the Aegean (Greece), School of Business, Department of Tourism Economics and Management, and Department of Shipping, Trade, and Transport: Collaboration on research programs in shipping, logistics, and transportation.
  • National Technical University of Athens (Greece), School of Civil Engineering and School of Electrical Engineering: Collaboration on the development of a smart building energy management platform and high-performance computing.
  • University of Patras (Greece), Department of Civil Engineering, Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Resources: Collaboration on water and energy conservation.
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), School of Economics and Political Sciences, Department of Ports Management and Shipping: Collaboration on research programs in shipping, logistics, and transportation.
  • University of Macedonia (Greece), Department of Accounting and Finance: Collaboration on dissemination and outreach.


  • Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA): Collaboration on education and activities relevant to the protection of the marine environment.
  • Greek Energy Forum (GEF): Collaboration on dissemination, education on energy-related issues, and co-creation of an Energy Academy.
  • Cyprus Environment Foundation: Collaboration on knowledge exchange in maritime educational programs.
  • Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA): Collaboration on the organization of scientific conferences and symposia.
  • Intelligent Research Infrastructure for Shipping, Supply Chain, Transport, and Logistics (ENIRISST): Collaboration on research programs in transport, logistics, and shipping.
  • cambiaMO: Collaboration on research programs in transport and mobility.
  • Lloyd’s Register: Collaboration on the creation of a maritime educational curriculum.


  • Laskaridis Shipping Co LTD: Collaboration on advanced training for emergency response teams and seafarers.
  • Zephyros Maritime: Collaboration on the creation of a Maritime Academy for elementary-level students.
  • Hellenic Air Force: Collaboration on enhanced training protocols for fighter pilots.
  • Kyvernitis Travel and Shipping Co: Collaboration on dissemination and engagement in maritime industry issues.
  • National Infrastructure for Research and Technology (GRNET): Collaboration on research programs and dissemination in high-performance computing.
  • Toyota Materials Handling: Collaboration on logistics and supply chain research and innovation.