Planned Giving

A gift that costs you nothing in your lifetime

You can effect change in the world beyond your lifetime by making a planned gift to The American College of Greece. By including ACG in your estate plan through a will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy you make a meaningful investment in our school and tomorrow’s leaders — and gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family.

Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely

Donors who include ACG in their estate plans at any amount become members of the 1875 Society, an honorary association for legacy donors that takes its name from the year the school was founded. Benefits of membership include an 1875 Society lapel pin, invitations to exclusive events including an annual dinner at the President’s home, and pride in the knowledge that you will be supporting ACG beyond your lifetime.

How to Create Your Legacy at ACG

ACG’s Advancement Office can help you explore the best way to make your legacy gift, and perhaps find a solution that will allow you to do much more than you thought was possible.

You may want to name one or more of ACG’s educational divisions — Pierce, Deree, Alba, and even a program within each school — as the direct beneficiary of your estate plan gift.

From a simple bequest to a more complex trust, or a gift of cash, stock, bonds, or personal property, a planned gift of any size or type will make a crucial difference in maintaining a sound foundation for the future growth and vitality of ACG.

“They had an idea — the founders of this college: to make a difference in the lives of girls in a distant land. Their vision was large, their resources meager, but the idea took hold. Originally planted in Smyrna in 1875, relocated amidst great suffering in 1923 to Greece, the idea grew, and we are its inheritors.”
Dr. David G. Horner, President, 2008-Present

The 1875 Society

The 1875 Society recognizes and honors all individuals who provide support to The American College of Greece through trusts, wills or other future gifts. The Society recognizes the vital role benefactors have played in the almost 150 years in ACG’s emergence as a preeminent educational institution. Your membership involves no dues, obligations or solicitations but it allows us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made and may inspire others to join. As a member of the Society, you will be invited to exclusive events for Society members. ACG will publicly recognize all Society members who have expressly permitted to list their names and honor all requests for anonymity.

As long-time followers of Greek- focused institutions, we are very supportive of the multitude of education-based initiatives developed by the American College in Greece (ACG). Education is the gift that keeps on giving. Over the years ACG has adroitly expanded its offerings to meet current and anticipated requirements. These initiatives require funding from a variety of sources. ACG’s legacy giving program provides us with the opportunity to support these initiatives in a manner that is tailor-made for us. Planned giving allows us the mechanism and flexibility to support ACG and navigate the financial insecurities that are very real for retirees. We encourage potential donors to consider the Legacy Giving Program as an excellent vehicle to contribute to a most worthy cause.” –  Mike and Pat Kalogeropoulos, 1875 Society members


Why 1875

The 1875 Society takes the name of the year the school was founded. In June 1875, in Smyrna, the most cosmopolitan city in the Ottoman Empire, Maria West, a missionary from Boston established The American College of Greece. Her mission was to educate young girls of the city and she set to this task with characteristic efficiency. 145 years the school has changed, locations, buildings, staff and students but continues with the same passion and mission, believing in the power of education to transform the world.

Contact us

To learn more about the simple ways you can support future generations of ACG students, please contact us.

Contacts in the United States:
Anna Huntington
, Executive Director of Advancement, Tel: 857-284-7908, E-mail: [email protected]

Contacts in Greece:
Aliki Giannakopoulou,
Executive Director of Advancement – Development, Tel: +30 210 600 9800, ext. 1239, E-mail: [email protected]

You can read more in ACG’s Planned Giving Brochure.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.

Planned Gift Statement of Intent

If you are interested in supporting the College, please fill out An Intent Form. After you submit this simple form, we will reach out to you to discuss ways you can support the College as well as how to become a member of the 1875 Society.

Gift value:

This Statement of Intent is an expression of my present plan and is subject to change. This commitment is not a legally binding obligation and I reserve the right to amend this Statement of Intent at any time.
The American College of Greece gratefully acknowledges your generous commitment and agrees to the terms of this commitment as stated above.
All information provided will be kept confidential.
For additional information, please contact our Advancement Office
Gravias 6, Aghia Paraskevi, 15342, Tel: +30 210 6009800 (ext 1379) email: [email protected]
US and Other Countries
The American College of Greece 101 Arch St., 8th Floor Boston, MA 02110, Tel: 857-284-7908 Fax: 857-284-7915