Hellenic Studies Summer School (HSSS)


The Hellenic Studies Summer School (HSSS) is an intensive and diverse academic experience that engages students in a critical exploration of Hellenic culture from ancient to modern times. Choosing from courses in literature, language, history, art, philosophy, mythology, international relations, theater, dance and music, students explore connections between Greece’s past and present, as well as the significance of Hellenic culture in the world today. The program integrates coursework with active, experiential learning and meta-cognitive practices to foster cultural immersion and critical thinking.

Students may attend this program — featuring fully-accredited (NECHE) courses — independently or as part of a study abroad program organized in concert with an ACG partner institution. HSSS students will take two 3-credit courses, reside in ACG’s apartment-style residences and visit significant historical and cultural sites on weekend and evening excursions. The program will be offered in Summer Session I 2025 (mid May to mid June).

A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the Hellenic Studies Summer School.

Aim and Objectives

The Hellenic Studies Summer School (HSSS) is addressed to college students from all over the world who wish to develop a (better) understanding of the significance of Greek culture in the modern world. It aims to engage students in an investigation of Greek history and culture that spans over 3,000 years, with a focus on how salient aspects of contemporary Greek (and much other modern) culture relate to their earlier antecedents.

HSSS aims at enabling participants to:

  • develop a sense of how cultural, historical and political events of the past have translated into Greece of the modern era and the contemporary western tradition (and beyond);
  • trace the development of Greek history and culture across traditionally-drawn boundaries;
  • gain a better appreciation of Greece and its people;
  • learn experientially through field trips and on-site teaching;
  • immerse themselves in language and culture;
  • function successfully in a different speech/culture community thereby developing empathy and a heightened knowledge of effective approaches to intercultural communication;
  • develop a heightened appreciation of the importance of individual and social responsibility as well as personal and civic values.

Special Features of the Program

a. Tradition of academic excellence

ACG’s 146-year legacy of academic excellence and its location in Athens afford students the singular benefit of studying in a living laboratory that bridges the ancient and contemporary realities of Greece while receiving credit through a leading U.S. accrediting body (NECHE).

b. Exceptional campus and facilities

The Aghia Paraskevi campus, situated on the western slopes of Mt. Hymettus, some ten kilometers from the center of Athens, offers a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside in a park-like setting. Its original buildings, designed by the renowned Greek architect, Constantine Doxiades, rise along the hillside and offer splendid views of Athens. Many kilometers of wooded mountain trails are easily accessible by foot from campus.

Campus features include:

  • Academic buildings with smart classrooms, computer and science laboratories, fine art studios and exhibition areas, the Pierce Theater and Black Box Theater.
  • A spacious, modern library designed to hold 250,000 volumes.
  • Athletic facilities including a gymnasium, state-of-the-art fitness center, outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, running track and soccer field.
  • The Student Success Center featuring a “one stop shop” for advising, registration, student affairs and cashier services.
  • The ACG Art Gallery and a large collection of outdoor statuary.
  • An open-air Greek theater with breathtaking views of Athens.
  • A student center with dining facilities – including Dipnosofistirion (a high-quality Greek dining chain that has also been certified as a ‘Gold Class’ organic kitchen) and Starbucks – as well as student organization offices.
  • A Byzantine chapel.
  • Wireless and wired internet access.
c. Housing

The American College of Greece operates a modern Residence Complex just a short walk from campus. Students housed in ACG apartments live in a safe, clean, residential environment in a quiet neighborhood with nearby grocery stores, cafés, restaurants and shopping centers. Our Residence Complex features fully furnished studio, single and double bedrooms in shared apartments as well as laundry facilities and 24/7 residence assistance.


d. Diverse curriculum

The HSSS offers courses that explore diverse topics relating to salient aspects of Hellenic culture. Students examine various aspects of exciting themes from new and often unexpected perspectives, learn in unconventional and creative ways and engage in critical thinking. Courses are taught by highly qualified scholar-teachers who hold terminal degrees. Academic credit earned at Deree-ACG is easily transferred to all other colleges and universities in the United States.

e. In-the-field instruction and study trips

Cultural activities, field trips and on-site teaching provide students a “hands-on” experience and maximize their learning potential. By directly observing sites, monuments, people and cultural events, students engage in an active in-depth investigation of objects, human beings, phenomena and ideas and draw meaning and understanding from these experiences and interactions. The program takes advantage of a stimulating environment to make teaching and learning more creative, to invigorate instruction and to help students discover new ways of expressing academic creativity.

f. Extensive cultural immersion

Through experiential learning employed in the courses, direct contact with members of the host community and various co-curricular activities, participants have a rich cultural immersion experience and develop the skill to see things from the perspective of the local community members. They also develop an awareness of how they are informed by their own culture and make sense of cultural differences. These skills are becoming more important as students look for jobs in the global marketplace.

Furthermore, participants who attend language courses and hence develop the ability to speak the language to a certain extent have ample opportunity to practice it in a variety of natural settings. Participants seek and discover new, culturally appropriate strategies to achieve and maintain effective communication with the local people. This intercultural communication outside the classroom gradually increases their mastery of the language and their confidence in using it.

g. Critical Reflection

In this program, students are frequently engaged in critical reflection. This includes both written reflections and discussions through which students and faculty collectively draw meaning from their learning and experiences in Greece.

h. HSSS Study Abroad Comprehensive Fee

Accommodation TypeComprehensive Study Abroad Fee
(HSSS Program Only)
Double Room (in shared apartment)$ 4,572
Single Room (in shared apartment)$ 5,269
Private Studio$ 5,519

Please note that the comprehensive fee includes double-bedroom occupancy (housing two students in one bedroom). You can choose to upgrade to a single-bedroom or studio apartment for an extra charge, contingent on availability. Please contact the Office of Residential and International Student Services for more details on housing.

The comprehensive study abroad fee includes tuition up to 15 credits for semesters and up to 6 credits for sessions as well as housing in the Aghia Paraskevi residence apartments.

The Comprehensive fee does not include

  • Food: a fully equipped kitchen is available in all apartments.
  • Books: the average cost is approximately € 300 per semester.
  • Spending money: we recommend € 3,000 per semester for daily expenses, including meals, transportation, entertainment and incidentals.

ACG Refund Policy

  • Tuition Refund Policy





Prior to the first day of classes & during the online registration period only

75% (25% will be retained)

During late registration and change-of-course period only

50% (50% will be retained)

From the first day after the late registration period & through the second week of classes only

From the first day after the late registration period through the fourth day of classes only

No refund


For the tuition refunds to apply, students should closely follow the withdrawal from courses procedure as described in the Academic Regulations section of the Undergraduate catalog.

  • Housing Refund Policy
    Under the ACG housing policy, a 100% refund may apply only prior to room occupation. After room occupation, no housing refund is applied.

ACG reserves the right to modify the application of this policy in cases of proven exceptional hardship


HSSS students take two 3-credit courses and may, thus, earn up to six transferable college credits.

In Summer Session | 2025, students may choose two of the following courses:

Course rubric Course title Instructor Days Time slot
GL 2032 C. P. Cavafy: Identity, Sensuality and Irony in his Poetry Haris Vlavianos M-F 11:10-13:10
CL 1002 Ancient Greek I Tobias Myers M-F 13:20-15:20
CL 1004 Myth in the Ancient Greek and Roman World Metaxia Papageorgiou M-F 09:00-11:00
IR 4140 Greece and the World Nikos Lampas M-F 11:10-13:10
GR 1000 Modern Greek I Sophia Zevgoli M-F 11:10-13:10
GR 1101 Modern Greek II Maria Kyriakaki M-F 11:10-13:10
AH 2027 * Aspects of Greek Art in Athens Christos Asomatos M-F 09:00-11:15
HY 3060 Greece: The Birth of a Modern Nation Eleni Degleri M-F 13:20-15:20
DR 3344 Re-reading Greek Tragedy and the American Drama Tonia Tsamouris M-F 09:00-11:00
DR 2033 ** Athens Theatre Festivals: ‘Then and Now’ Thanos Vovolis M-F 13:20-15:20
DA 2019 Ancient Greek Themes in Modern & Contemporary Dance Daphne Mourelou M-F 13:20-15:20
MU 3061 Music Theatre Workshop I - focused on Ancient Greek drama Effi Minakoulis M-F 17:40-19:40 & Lab: 16:45-17:30
MU 4167 Music Theatre Workshop II - focused on Ancient Greek drama Effi Minakoulis M-F 17:40-19:40 & Lab: 16:45-17:30

* Required museum and sites visits – Additional fees apply.

** Required theater visits – Additional fees apply.

Extra- and co-curricular activities may include:

Pre-departure Activities

Visit to Museums

Field Trips to Cultural Sites

Lecture/Seminars on Course-relevant Topics

Athens Festival Events/Performances

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