1. What documents do I need to apply to Deree? (show)
In addition to a completed application form and personal statements (approximately 500 words), which may be submitted online, applicants need:
- Two recommendation letters (at least one from an academic source and one from an employer)
- Official college/university transcript of undergraduate degree from an accredited institution
- Official college/ university transcript of graduate degree from an accredited institution (if applicable)
- Evidence of proficiency in English:
- Michigan State University Certificate of English Language Proficiency (MSU – CELP)
- Michigan Proficiency Certificate
- Cambridge Proficiency Certificate
- Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) with Grade A only
- TOEFL (score 87 or higher on internet-based test)
- IELTS (score 6.5 or higher)
- International Baccalaureate
- Graduation from an accredited English language college/institution
- If none of the above is available, the candidate must take the English Placement Test administered by the College. Based on the results of the test, students are placed into the appropriate English for Academic Purposes Program or Writing Program
- A certified copy of an identification card for Greek citizens or of a valid passport for international students.
- CV (English or Greek)
- Interview with the respective Graduate Program Coordinator
2. When can I take the English Placement Test (EPT)? (show)
Placement tests are offered throughout the admissions period. You may find out details by contacting the Admissions Office at +30 210 600 9800, ext.1406 or e-mail: graduate@acg.edu
3. What is the content of the English Placement Test (EPT)? (show)
It is a two-hour, multiple-choice computer-based test evaluating the student’s vocabulary, grammar and listening skills.
4. What are the deadlines for application? (show)
The College has a rolling admissions policy; however, it is strongly suggested that candidates submit their applications by the following dates:
Fall Semester – August 1
Spring Semester – January 30
5. Are scholarships available? (show)
Yes! The American College of Greece aims to attract the highest quality graduate applicants regardless of their ability to finance their education. For this reason, Deree offers scholarships, covering a portion of the cost of tuition, to applicants who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance in their past studies. Find out more here.
6. Are there other scholarships? (show)
Yes! Deree offers alumni discounts and corporate discounts. You may find out details by contacting the Admissions Office at +30 210 600 9800, ext.1406 or e-mail: graduate@acg.edu.
7. If I am not eligible for a scholarship, can I receive financial aid? (show)
Yes! Each year, The American College of Greece offers more than €3 million in financial aid and scholarships. To learn more, contact the Financial Assistance and Planning Office (+30 210 600 9800 ext. 1327 or e-mail: financialassistance@acg.edu).
8. How many years of study are required to get my Master’s degree? (show)
Depending on the Master’s degree, degrees may be completed in one to two years on a full-time basis and two to four years on a part-time basis.
9. Can I switch between full and part-time studies while attending a program? (show)
Yes! There is flexibility and someone can switch their status during their course of study.
10. What time are classes held? (show)
All courses are offered in the evenings from 18:00-21:00 (Communication programs) and 17:00-20:00 or 17:00-21:00 (Psychology programs) Monday through Thursday.
11. Is attendance mandatory? How many absences am I allowed? (show)
Yes, attendance is mandatory. Graduate students on degree and graduate diploma/certificate courses are not allowed to miss more than 25% of class time per term. This is equal to three absences or 9 class hours in a 3-credit course and six absences or 12 class hours in a 4-credit course, including excused absences due to illness or other serious reasons. Programs may set a stricter attendance policy, which they will announce to their students at the beginning of each term.
12. Is distance learning available? (show)
Blended learning is available only for the Graduate Certificate in Psychology and the MA in TESOL program. You may find out details by contacting the Admissions Office at +30 210 600 9800, ext.1406 or e-mail: graduate@acg.edu
13. If I do not hold a Bachelor’s degree in psychology can I enter the Master’s program in Psychology? (show)
Yes! The Graduate Certificate in Psychology is an intensive 19-week program that serves as a solid basis and a conversion course for further advanced study in psychology. It is appropriate for people who hold a first degree in a field other than psychology, giving them the opportunity to obtain the necessary theoretical and practical foundations for a future career in psychology. Find out more here.
14. Do you help graduates find a job? (show)
Deree graduate students benefit from the ALBA Graduate Business School career workshops and events as well as from the Deree Office of Career Services, which has placed thousands of Deree graduates since 1976. Graduates of the Psychology degrees can also opt for placement in internships within our network of collaborating organizations which includes schools, educational organizations, centers offering comprehensive services to children diagnosed with LD/DD or collaborating organizations in the field of counseling.
The Office of Career Services offers quality job placement programs and career events such as Career Days, as well as personalized assistance on researching the best graduate programs. Nine out of ten graduates either begin their careers immediately following graduation in the field of their choice or continue on to graduate studies. Today, Deree alumni have a strong presence in over 1700 companies and organizations worldwide.
15. What College facilities may I use? (show)
Students may attend 1 to 5 courses per semester, which translates into 3 to 15 class hours per week.
16. Will I have an e-mail account? (show)
Yes. Each student is assigned an individual e-mail account as soon as she/he becomes a student of our College.