Event Details
BLOOD DRIVE in support of the NIMTS and Agios Savvas Hospitals When: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 | 09:30-17:00 Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 09:00-14:30 Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 09:30-17:00 Where: Deree Student Lounge, ACG campus Co-organized
Event Details
BLOOD DRIVE in support of the NIMTS and Agios Savvas Hospitals
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 | 09:30-17:00
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 09:00-14:30
Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 09:30-17:00
Where: Deree Student Lounge, ACG campus
Co-organized by
ACG Health & Wellness
Office of Sustainability
Office of Student Affairs
Supported by
ACG Sustainability Leaders
SNF Scholars’ Organization
Deree Student Association (DSA)
Join us for a blood drive in support of NIMTS and Agios Savvas Hospitals.
All members of the ACG community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents), ACG partners, and friends are invited to participate in the upcoming 3-day blood drive.
Please check out the process, make sure you are eligible, and schedule an appointment through Eventora. Each volunteer will be able to register for a specific day and time slot and will be required to present the Eventora barcode received upon registration. Giving blood normally takes about 30 minutes of your time.
Parking upon availability on campus.
Don’t forget to bring with you your ID/Passport and AMKA number (if applicable).
Because ACG Cares!
For more information, contact us at studentaffairs@acg.edu or telephone 210 6009800, ext. 1446.

Event Details
Ελληνικά English Deree Ημερα Επιστήμης Πότε: Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου, 2025 | 11:00 - 19:00
Event Details
Deree Ημερα Επιστήμης
Πότε: Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου, 2025 | 11:00 – 19:00
Πού: Campus Αγίας Παρασκευής
Διοργανώνεται από:
Κέντρο Αριστείας για την Αειφόρο Ανάπτυξη
Προγράμματα Περιβαλλοντικών Σπουδών & Βιοϊατρικών Επιστημών, Τμήμα Επιστημών και Μαθηματικών, Deree – Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος
Σχετικά με το event
Ανακαλύψτε τον Κόσμο της Επιστήμης στο Deree – ACG!
Σας περιμένουμε το Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου 2025, από τις 11 π.μ. έως τις 7 μ.μ. για μια συναρπαστική ημέρα ανακαλύψεων!
Μπορείτε να συμμετέχετε σε ομιλίες, διαδραστικά πειράματα, εργαστήρια, δραστηριότητες για οικογένειες, παιδιά και φοιτητές – υπάρχει κάτι για όλους!
Απαιτείται εγγραφή για να παρακολουθήσετε συγκεκριμένες δραστηριότητες, όπως αναγράφονται παρακάτω.
Ανυπομονούμε να σας καλωσορίσουμε στο campus!
Η εκδήλωση είναι δωρεάν και ανοιχτή για το κοινό.
Για περαιτέρω διευκρινίσεις, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με το ces@acg.edu
Δραστηριότητες για όλους – Οικογένειες και παιδιά | Δεν απαιτείται εγγραφή
11:00-16:00 | Φτιάξε τα δικά σου μπρελόκ και τρελομπαλάκια – DNA origami – Παίζουμε με υλικά της κουζίνας – Μοριακή κουζίνα
11:00-16:00 | Μαθαίνω παίζοντας για τα απειλούμενα είδη
12:00-14:00 | Παρατήρησε τα κύτταρά σου στο μικροσκόπιο
12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 |Παρατήρηση του Ήλιου με Τηλεσκόπιο *θα εξαρτηθεί από τις καιρικές συνθήκες
Δραστηριότητες και Πειράματα
11:00-11:45 | 12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 | Ψηφιακό τραπέζι ανατομίας
11:00-11:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Ατμοσφαιρικές μετρήσεις με δέσμιο μπαλόνι
12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 | Παρατήρησε τον μικρόκοσμο: Σχεδιασμός Φαρμάκων
14:00-14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Παρατήρησε τον μικρόκοσμο: Αποχρωμάτισε τα λαχανικά σου
14:00-14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Παίζοντας με Οπτικές Ίνες – Πως ταξιδεύει το φως; – Η χρήση τους στην ιατρική
14:00 – 14:45 | 15:00-15:45| Η εξέλιξη της Ζωής στη Γη & Παρατήρηση απολιθωμάτων
11:15 – 12:00 | Εργαστήριο Κρυπτογραφίας
11:15 – 12:00 | AI Innovations in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences: Advancing Research, Healthcare, and Sustainability
12:00 – 12:45 | Συζητάμε για τις εξαρτήσεις Πόσο καλά ξέρεις…το μυαλό σου;
13:00 – 13:45 | Μαθηματικά Παιχνίδια
13:00 – 13:45 | Οι 17 Στόχοι Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών στην πράξη
14:00 – 14:45 | Βιοποικιλότητα του Υμηττού: Ταυτοποίηση Φυτών
14:00 – 14:45 | Περιπέτεια γύρω από τον κόσμο
15:00-15:45 | Lose weight quickly or lose your health permanently?
16:00-17:00 | Η αναζήτηση της ευδαιμονίας: Μια πανανθρώπινη διαχρονική αξία
Χρήστος Γιαπιτζάκης, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Γενετικής, Τμήμα Ιατρικής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Διευθυντής Κέντρου Κεφαλογενετικής
17:00-18:00 | Κλιματική Αλλαγή στην Ελλάδα: Αποκωδικοποιώντας τις μεταβολές σε έναν Θερμαινόμενο Κόσμο
Κώστας Λαγουβάρδος, Διευθυντής Ερευνών, Μονάδα ΜΕΤΕΟ, Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών
18:00-19:00 | Ψευδοεπιστήμες και Θεωρίες Συνωμοσίας – Συζήτηση πάνελ
Ομιλητές Πάνελ:
Μανώλης Πλειώνης, Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Φυσικής, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Διευθυντής και Πρόεδρος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Εθνικού Αστεροσκοπείου Αθηνών
Νίκος Δερμετζής, Καθηγητής Τμήματος Επικοινωνίας και Μέσων Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
Βασιλική Κοτρώνη, Διευθύντρια Ερευνών, Μονάδα ΜΕΤΕΟ, Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών
Στέλλα Αποστολάκη, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Επιστημών και Μαθηματικών-Deree, Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια του Κέντρου για την Αειφόρο Ανάπτυξη, Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ελλάδος
Η Εκδήλωση συνδέεται και προωθεί τους 17 Στόχους Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
Η Ημέρα Επιστήμης Deree αποτελεί πρωτοβουλία του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Erasmus+ SDG4U
Deree Science Day
When: Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 11:00 – 19:00
Where: Aghia Paraskevi Campus
Organized by:
ACG Center of Excellence in Sustainability
Environmental Studies & Biomedical Sciences Programs, Department of Science and Mathematics, Deree – The American College of Greece
About the event
Engage in talks, interactive workshops, experiments and lab demonstrations, activities for families and students and more! – there is something for everyone!
Registration is required for specific activities, as listed below.
We can’t wait to welcome you on campus!
The event is free and open to the public.
For further clarifications, please contact ces@acg.edu
Activities for families and kids | Registration is not required
11:00-16:00 | Make you own key holders and rubber balls – DNA origami – Using kitchen ingredients for fun – Molecular cuisine
11:00-16:00 | Game on endangered species
12:00-14:00 | Observe one’s own cells under the microscope
12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 | Sun Observations with Telescope*
* subject to weather conditions
Activities and Experiments
11:00-11:45 | 12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 | Anatomage Table
11:00-11:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Atmospheric measurements with tethered balloon
12:00-12:45 | 13:00-13:45 | 14:00-14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Observe our world in micro: Design Drugs
14:00-14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Observe our world in micro: Uncolor your vegetables
14:00-14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Fiber Optics – How does light travel? – Use in medicine
14:00 – 14:45 | 15:00-15:45 | Timeline of evolution of life on Earth & Fossil observations
11:15 – 12:00 | Workshop on cryptography
11:15 – 12:00 | AI Innovations in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences: Advancing Research, Healthcare, and Sustainability
12:00 – 12:45 | Let’s talk about addiction How well do you know your…brain?
13:00 – 13:45 | Gaming Maths
13:00 – 13:45 | The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in practice
14:00 – 14:45 | Biodiversity of Hymettus: Plant Identification
14:00 – 14:45 | Around the World Adventure
15:00-15:45 | Lose weight quickly or lose your health permanently?
16:00-17:00 | The pursuit of happiness: A universal and timeless value
By C. Yapijakis, Associate Professor of Genetics School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Director Cephalogenetics Center
17:00-18:00 | Climate Change in Greece: Decoding trends in a warming world
By K. Lagouvardos, Research Director, METEO Unit, National Observatory of Athens
18:00-19:00 | Pseudosciences & Conspiracy Theories – Panel discussion
M. Plionis, Professor Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Director and President of the BoD of the National Observatory of Athens
N. Demertzis, Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
V. Kotroni, Research Director, METEO Unit, National Observatory of Athens
S. Apostolaki, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics; Executive Director of Center of Excellence in Sustainability, The American College of Greece
The Event is linked with and promotes the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The Deree Science Day has been initiated by the E.U. Erasmus+ project SDG4U
202416Sep14:3015:20World Ozone Day 202414:30 - 15:20

Event Details
World Ozone Day 2024 You are invited to a fascinating lecture on ozone depletion over the Northern Hemisphere and globally! Is ozone depletion still a concern? Which are the
Event Details
World Ozone Day 2024
You are invited to a fascinating lecture on ozone depletion over the Northern Hemisphere and globally!
Is ozone depletion still a concern? Which are the synergies with climate change? Join to find out!
When: Monday, September 16, 2024 | 14:30-15:20
Where: 7th Level Auditorium (lecture), Observation at ACG premises
Organized by: ACG Center of Excellence in Sustainability
About the event
The ozone layer sits in the stratosphere, between about 15 km and 50 km above the Earth and shields the living beings of the planet from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ozone layer depletion, on the other hand, has serious effects on human health and the environment. It occurs in both Hemispheres but is more pronounced in the Southern over Antarctica due to the Ozone hole phenomenon.
The Montreal Protocol (1987) is rightly hailed as a multilateralism success story. It united the world to phase out ozone-depleting substances putting the ozone layer on the path to recovery and protecting all life on Earth. On September 16, World Ozone Day 2024, we celebrate this success, still our concerns remain as we lately notice ozone layer increased depletion over the Northern Hemisphere and globally.
Rightfully the questions that arise are: Is ozone depletion still a concern? Which are the synergies, if any, with climate change?
The distinguished ozone scientist, professor emeritus Constantinos Varotsos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Senior Fellow of the Center of Excellence in Sustainability – ACG, will explain the phenomenon and provide us with all necessary answers.
The American College of Greece with the support of the World Meteorological Organization proudly host a Dobson spectrophotometer used for measuring total ozone. A demonstration of the Dobson spectrophotometer will take place, following the speech, in front of the STEM lab by Dr. Ioannis Christodoulakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics, Deree – ACG and member of the ACG Center of Excellence in Sustainability.
About the speaker
Professor Constantinos Varotsos is a Full Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and Dean of the School of Science. He has been a leading figure in Atmospheric and Environmental Physics since 1989. His expertise spans Remote Sensing, Climate Dynamics, and Environmental Change, supported by the establishment of four international research laboratories at NKUA. With over 300 research papers and 11 monographs to his name, Professor Varotsos has been recognized by numerous global institutions, including the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Royal Meteorological Society. His influential work on the Antarctic ozone hole and global atmospheric dynamics has earned him over 16,000 citations and prestigious awards, including the A.S. Popov medal and the RADI Award.
For clarifications please contact: Dr. Stella Apostolaki, sapostolaki@acg.edu, ext. 1464
202405JunAll Day12World Environment Day 2024(All Day)

Event Details
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2024: Our land. Our future: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience About the event Framing the problem ‘More than 75% of Earth's land area is already degraded.
Event Details
Our land. Our future: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience
About the event
Framing the problem
‘More than 75% of Earth’s land area is already degraded. A total area half of the size of the European Union degrades annually. The lives of 250 million people are currently affected by desertification, while 135 million people may be displaced by desertification by 2045.’
Art Installation Could we forsee the future? by Ms. Stella Evgena, Artist
Scientific posters display by Environmental Studies Professors, ACG
When: Wednesday, June 5 – Monday. September 30, 2024
Where: CN Building, top floor staircase
Expert talks & Open Discussion
Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics, Executive Director Center of Excellence in Sustainability, ACG
Dr. Dimitrios Voloudakis, Part-time Instructor, Department of Science and Mathematics Scientific Collaborator, Academy of Athens
Dr. Ioannis Kougkoulos, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics, ACG.
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | 10.00-12.00
Where: Arts Center Auditorium
Workshop Sustainability in artistic practices by Ms. Stella Evgena, Artist & Ms. Matina Charalambi, Art Theorist / Curator
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | 12:45 – 14:45
Where: NPS Studios
Organized by:
Center of Excellence in Sustainability, ACG
Office of Sustainability-Public Affairs, ACG
ACG Arts Collection, Frances Rich School of Fine and Performing Arts, ACG
Ms. Stella Evgena, Artist
For the workshop please RSVP at sustainableacg@acg.edu.