About the Presidential Search
The American College of Greece, Europe’s oldest and largest, comprehensive, US-accredited academic institution, is announcing the search for its 8th president, following the autumn 2023 announcement that President David G. Horner, PhD, is going to retire. The search and transition process is overseen by the ACG Board of Trustees and is taking place in collaboration with members of the ACG community.
Updates with the latest information regarding the search will be posted regularly on this website.
Presidential Search Prospectus
The prospectus contains information about the search for ACG’s next leader, a visionary president, to take its three educational divisions, Pierce, Deree, and Alba, to the next level of academic excellence, international prestige, and financial success. Learn about the profile, role, and qualifications we seek in our next president as well as the position’s challenges and opportunities.
Nominations, inquiries and expressions of interest should be sent to search firm Russell Reynolds Associates at ACG@russellreynolds.com.
Presidential Search Update from Ambassador Dan Smith, Chair of the Board of Trustees – May 13, 2024
Dear Members of the ACG Community,
In my last communication to the community on the presidential search process I stated that, given the robust quality of the candidate pool, we anticipated appointment of ACG’s new president by this fall. However, based on the most recent developments in the search process, we now project that the earliest the new ACG president will assume their duties will be the summer of 2025, at the conclusion of President Horner’s current contract (6/30/2025).
We look forward to ACG’s continued growth and development in the coming year. I will update you further as circumstances unfold.
Daniel B. Smith, Chair, Board of Trustees & Presidential Search Committee
Presidential Search Update from Ambassador Dan Smith, Chair of the Board of Trustees – January 31, 2024
I am pleased to update you on the progress of the Presidential Search process.
Following development of the final position description with broad input from the ACG campus community during the fall semester, our search consultants at Russell Reynolds Associates (RRA) disseminated the ACG Presidential Search Prospectus. The RRA recruitment efforts yielded a strong pool of candidates, including many well matched to the desired experience, competencies and attributes outlined in the Prospectus.
Prior to Christmas, an initial screening by the Search Committee, which was expanded to include two representatives of the ACG faculty and staff, Panos Vlachopoulos, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Kelly Morra, CFO and Sr. Vice President, Finance and US Operations, identified preferred candidates. We have continued to progress through the search process on schedule and have narrowed the field of candidates accordingly.
Throughout the search process and consistent with current practice in U.S. higher education searches, the Search Committee has been guided by strict rules of confidentiality to assure the willingness of candidates to engage in the process without jeopardizing their current positions and, thus, to give the College the greatest likelihood of attracting the strongest pool of candidates.
We project that the new President will be introduced to the ACG community later this spring and will begin their official duties by the fall semester.
Dan Smith, Chair, Board of Trustees and Presidential Search Committee
Message from Ambassador Dan Smith, Chair of the Board of Trustees – November 8, 2023
Dear ACG Community,
The Presidential Search Committee, with input from students, faculty, administrators, staff, trustees, and alumni, has finalized the position description for the next president of The American College of Greece. The document is available above.
On behalf of the Committee, we thank everyone who contributed their feedback that helped inform the document. Our presidential search consultants at Russell Reynolds Associates (RRA) met with dozens of faculty, staff and students, in person, on campus. They also met with alumni and trustees online. We also received almost 800 responses to the email survey, including many insightful comments. Every comment was reviewed and taken into consideration in the creation of the final position description.
RRA has already started actively soliciting potential candidates. If you have names of potential candidates, please send them via email to ACG@russellreynolds.com
We will continue to keep the ACG community informed as the process unfolds. My thanks again to all of you for your input and your thoughtfulness as we move forward with this important decision.
Dan Smith, Chair, Board of Trustees and Presidential Search Committee
Presidential Search Committee
Daniel Smith, Chair of the Committee, Chair of the Board
John Chachas, Trustee
Lena Triantogiannis, Trustee & Alum
Susan Fuhrman, Trustee
Matt Glendinning, Trustee
Kosmo Kalliarekos, Former Trustee
Martha Kanter, Trustee
Nikos Koumettis, Trustee & Alum
Kelly Morra, CFO, Sr. Vice-President Finance & US Operations
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Former Trustee & Alum
Panos Vlachopoulos, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Deree-The American College of Greece