Τhe establishment of the School of Fine and Performing Arts at DEREE brings together all students with artistic interests allowing them to explore all artistic expression from Theatre and Music to Dance and Visual Arts. Read more
Coming Up |
Find out if there's a New Year's Lucky win in your future at the Alumni Association annual “pita” cutting event. January 25th, 6 pm, Grande Bretagne Hotel. Ticket price: 35 Euros. For info call 210-7707507.
Thorny yet important issues will be examined during a panel discussion organized by DEREE and ALBA Graduate Business School. Prominent panelists will address the topic: "Quality and Social Contribution of Public and non-Public Institutions of Higher Education". The discussion will be held in Greek, with simultaneous translation.The event will be open to the public. Details to be posted online soon.
There’s a lot of catching up to do…PIERCE Class of ’72 40-year Reunion! Join your classmates on February 22d at 8.00 pm for a special alumnae gathering at the PIERCE Theatre. For info contact the Office of Alumni Relations & College Events at 210-6009800 (ext.1370) or email at [email protected]. Read more
ACG Alumni in the greater New York area “Save the Date” for an alumni event on Friday, March 9, 2012. Details to follow.
DEREE hosts the "Global Think Tank 4 Greece" on March 17. Organized by AIESEC GREECE, it is open for ACG alumni up to 30 years old. For more info and registration visit www.euroxpro2012.com.
Do you remember how much you enjoyed playing sports in High School? Do you still play (or think you might be up to it)? PIERCE Sports Homecoming on May 11th is the perfect chance to play basketball, soccer or volleyball with the same enthusiasm-and, hopefully, with the same friends-you did as a student.
Join Now and start training!
More reunions for PIERCE alumni classes '62, '82, '92 and 2002 and for DEREE alumni Classes 1981-1985 and 1996-2000 coming up within 2012. Read more
Were you there? |
Big smiles, hugs, and memories
Α touching at their “golden fifty years” reunion
DEREE reunion, classes ’86-90.
More than 380 of us were there!
ACG Alumni : We Stay Connected! |
Office of Alumni Relations & College Events 6 Gravias Street 153 42 Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece |